Welcome to ASU-AUST-USTC(AAU) online Theoretical Physics Colloquium

General Information

This is the information page about the AAU online Theoretical Physics Colloquium, organized and hosted by Prof. Igor Shovkovy, Prof. Qun Wang and Prof. Xinyang Wang.

The presentations were run live via the video conferencing App Tecent meeting/VooV meeting.

This colloquium featured high-quality interactive presentations on current advances in theoretical physics presented by active researchers in various fields of theoretical physics. This colloquium is supported by the Center for Fundamental Physics at Anhui University of Science & Technology.

Organizer and Host

Prof. Igor Shovkovy                   Arizona State University

Prof. Qun Wang                         University of Science & Technology of China/Anhui University of Science & Technology

Prof. Xinyang Wang(Chair)      Anhui University of Science & Technology

Contact Information wangxy@aust.edu.cn

Colloquium Lists

2024.8.28     Sign-inversion of magnetovortical charge from gauge invariant thermodynamics
              Prof. Kazuya Mameda, Tokyo University of Science